Robot 1 chassis getting all our mechanism 2 and 3's |
Bag day has come and gone. We haven't been able to touch our competition spec robot, but we have still been working the nights away. Our primary goal was to build up a complete, identical practice robot so that we can continue tuning and practicing. Once our practice bot is finished, we will run the thing into the ground and start learning and applying lessons from all of its failures and successes. This week is also the season of reveal videos as a large number of teams show off their full creations. Our students and mentors alike watch on, seeing how other teams faced the challenge thrown at them this year. Open engineering is spectacular in this regard - 4000 teams, 4000 robots, and though they may share common parts, chances are that each robot has at least one part unique to itself, and no two robots are exactly identical. Each team uses different strategic, manufacturing and/or assembly processes, and each result is different.