Friday, April 16, 2021

Bring-Down to Bring-Up

Getting set up for the challenge runs.
And it looks good with the non-legal black bumpers!

One week to go in this season. Ugh, I hate to say it again, but what a weird seasons this has been, still. Simultaneously short (as always), and yet it's also felt so, so long. Now, at the end of week 12, the final video submissions for our at home challenges are due with only 5 working days left.

Like replacing a bent drive axle between elimination matches, this is coming down to the wire.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Red and Black

Robot coming together!

Whew, 11 weeks in the books. For us, we've been able to access our facilities for the past 3 weeks. Still 2 weeks to go.

<Queue suspenseful music track>

Will we finish in time?

Dun, dun dun...