Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Week 2 - Progression

Busy days in the shop, preparing electronics, CAD and part libraries,
software plugging away in the far background...

As we arrived in Week 2, the team were in high spirits. We had rocked our Week 1 goals, had a clear concept to design in sight, were <this> close to handing a drivebase to the software team, and had our plans for the next prototype. Our Week 2 goals loomed, so we had to stay focused and progress with our plans. Week 2 involved filling out the robot sketches and crayola CAD as real, functional, produce-or-purchase-able components, getting our swerve chassis powered and driving with 2024 code, and starting to order all our needed metal stock, bearings, intake wheels and etc so we can build this thing!

Friday, January 26, 2024

Week 1 - Frustration

Putting parts together on day 2!

Build season is in full swing! We're spending four nights a week at the shop, building, learning, and ripping our hair out! Wait, that's not right. Minus that one day...

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Week 0 + Kickoff - Anticipation

Team rocking at the off-season event: Bloc Party hosted by FRC2910

Welcome back to yet another year of FRC - new game, new team members, even some new mentors for us! My how time flies, for me personally, this will be my 11th year mentoring, my 7th year writing about it, and my 2nd year with 7627 Bearcat Robotics from Monroe, Washington. Last season, this team lept up the pecking order among PNW teams, and I've heard through the grapevine that teams will be eager to see what we produce this year. Before we jump right into Kick-off and the new season, some quick housekeeping is in order to provide context and background into this team.