Thursday, January 30, 2025

Week 3 - Ordering

A common scene:
Laptop connected to robot,
Everyone staring.

Finally the passage of time seems to be back to normal; Week 3 felt like a standard, full-length week. And yet Week 3 is also over. Some things are starting to get built, other things getting bought. Details are getting ironed out by design and software. So grab your swim fins, and let's dive in!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Week 2 - Drafting

Meet dummybot.
Dummybot helps test all of our ptototypes.

In what seems just another blink of the eye, Week 2 has come to a close. In pre-season, we set a rather aggressive schedule. Week 2 is normally where we start to find discomfort with our aggression. We're still meeting our goals, but still feeling some discomfort. Or tiredness? Let's see if I can recall the major beats of Week 2. Grab your magnifying glass, and let's take a peak!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Week 1 - Prototypes

Shameless sponsor plug, but also it took me like 5 years to get a robot into the office!
But I finally did it!

Wow - somehow a new season has started, a new game revealed, and a week gone by already! Some time ago, I asked a friend for their thoughts on my blogs. I got the feedback that "It's fun! It's like you're taking the reader on a journey." So, lace up your shoes, and let’s take a walk through our build and competition season for the 2025 FRC game - Reefscape!