Saturday, February 15, 2020

Reveal Your Secrets, Part 1

Resting up as we get close to bag day. Wait, never mind, just resting.

Well, if this was a normal build season, we'd all be wrapping up the final weekend of build before bag day. Our robot would likely be... needing some TLC during the 6-hour un-bag if that was the case! Fortunately, we are catching up, finishing parts, attaching them to the robot, and starting to ramp up and tune software for maximum control and functionality. Tonight, we will unveil exactly what the robot looks like right now, and our plans and goals for the first competition in two weeks time.

Hope you all have a good week six, and I hope you've still got the endurance and capacity to continue build season beyond six weeks! (Cause like, we've never run 8-9 week build seasons before with a second robot...)


Tonight is out annual Unveiling Event! We are looking forward to hosting a number of local teams, showcasing some national and international teams who sent us videos, and allow the world at large to watch it all unfurl!

Here's the link to the stream:

It will kick off at 7:00pm PST. Looking forward to the teams joining, and a /wave for all the teams joining online!

Software Tuning

The biggest progress this week was starting our software tuning for real, on the real robot we will bring to competition. We have started installing and wiring subsystems onto the robot, so now we have to automate as much functionality as possible, and assign operator controls for everything else. Parts of this year feel very 2015 - a lot of performance can be found in the robot, design, and operation, opposed to just a ton of drive team practice. (I'm also trying to convince myself of this, given just how little practice we've had thus far!)

Okay, not all the subsystems and mounts are complete. So, here's a wood/printed mount for LimeLight tuning!

For us this year, our goals are automating pretty much the entire intake, index, and shooting systems, freeing up mental capacity for our drive team, and allowing the robot to consistently run at a high pace. We had time goals for how quickly we could shoot 5 balls, and how quickly 1 ball could pass through the full system. Sensor placement and software tuning are now the crucial areas for finding this success. And well, currently (Saturday morning) we have met both objectives. Our tuning now is to improve the reliability, and reduce the opportunity for jams, or too large of gaps between balls. We'll all see how it progresses tonight!

More than two weeks before competition - Red and Blue bumpers are made! They have mounts! They fit!

Deans List

On the other side of things, we submitted our Dean's list submissions this week. Dean's list, like Chairman's, is another Award that I find important, and worth mentioning here. If the goal of a project is to allow the participants to apply knowledge to a real problem - Dean's List recognizes those students in FRC who fully apply themselves to the problem at hand, and more. In my view, Dean's List students are those who embody the principles of FIRST, and demonstrate understanding of not only STEM, but the human side and personality that's required to be a positively contributing member to society. Dean's List students should be able to understand the science and technology behind the robot, they should also be able to explain how something works, teach someone how to replicate or build something of their own, understand the decisions and thought process behind the science and technology, and expand the general knowledge, ability, or opportunity for those around them.

Maybe that sounds like a lot for a teenager to accomplish, but after 11 years of FIRST (well, 10.5, this season isn't over yet!) I've seen just how much students can accomplish, both on their own, and with the support of their team. For all candidates who have been recognized by their teams - congratulations, good luck, and keep doing what you do!

Before the unveiling, I give you - our intake!

Lab situations are amusing.

Student Lead - I'm worried about the dog tail and the indexer.

Mentor - Why?

Student Lead - Because - <chop saw starts>

Everyone - <Silently makes faces>


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